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Hearing Blog

Who says you can't enjoy music because you have hearing loss?

June 28, 2017

Now, for the first time ever, a hearing aid manufacturer has created a special circuit designed solely for the enjoyment of music. Starkey Hearing Technologies is proud to introduce this latest generation of technology — our Muse line of hearing instruments. Six years in development, Muse offers many new and exciting features for hearing impaired people. But its ability to recognize, process and duplicate music is what everyone is talking about. Muse hearing aids let you ...

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How to Properly Clean and Care for Your Hearing Aids

May 31, 2017

Just like cars, hearing aids require a certain degree of routine maintenance to keep them functioning at optimal capacity. And while some maintenance items should be used only by the manufacturer or by us, there are many other preventative measures that you can complete regularly to ensure that your hearing aid is at full-functioning capacity! Below we examine three main causes or hearing aid problems and offer cleaning and care tips to help! Battling Ear ...

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8 Things Untreated Hearing Loss Can Impact

May 1, 2017

Hearing loss is as unique to each person as a fingerprint. No one person has the same type of loss in each ear, nor do people get hearing loss the same way. But, what everyone with hearing has in common are the 8 possible things that hearing loss can indirectly or directly affect. Vocabulary With untreated hearing loss, various sounds and letters lose frequencies. Each letter and verbal sound corresponds to a unique frequency range ...

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3 Ways to Make the Most Out of Your Hearing Care Follow-up Appointments

April 1, 2017

Like your car, teeth, and even your financial portfolio, your hearing aids and hearing health can benefit from routine care and maintenance. After a hearing aid fitting, your hearing healthcare professional will likely recommend follow-up appointments. These routine visits offer great opportunities to ask your hearing professional questions, have maintenance performed on your hearing aids, and keep you hearing your best. Here are a few suggestions to make the most of these visits and maximize ...

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When NOT to Wear Your Hearing Aids

March 1, 2017

I love how comfortable my hearing aids are, but sometimes I forget they are there. And while this is a wonderful thing — and there is little I can’t do while wearing hearing aids — there are a few times when remembering you have incredibly advanced technology in-or-on your ears is important. We all have “oops!” moments though. And when “oops!” moments happen, the best thing to do is call us for what to do next ...

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How Does Heart Health Impact Hearing Health?

February 1, 2017

With February upon us and Valentine’s Day right around the corner, we decided to take a look at research concerning how heart health and hearing health are connected! Research data reveals a link between hearing health and cardiovascular health. In fact, the two often correspond, a healthy cardiovascular system appears to have a positive effect on hearing. Study findings suggest that a healthy heart and cardiovascular system may be important for healthy hearing. Let ...

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Three Reasons to Upgrade Your Hearing Aids

January 1, 2017

“Immediate difference in clarity.” “The quality and performance is really beyond anything I’ve seen.” “Patients have experienced a significant improvement in sound quality when comparing hearing aids, even to recent technology.” “Patients have noticed improvement when listening to music and improvement for clarity of softer voices.” The above are just a few things people have said after trying the latest hearing aid technologies from Starkey Hearing Technologies. Starkey’s new products (Muse, Halo 2 ...

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Guess what? You probably have hearing loss!

December 1, 2016

According to the National Academy on an Aging Society, hearing loss is one of the most common health conditions experienced by males 75 and older. Hearing, like all our senses, declines as we age, and can often be exacerbated by exposure to loud noises, other health issues, medications and more. It can quickly impact our ability to understand speech, respond to warnings and emergency situations, hear phone calls and enjoy time with family or friends ...

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Can I Wear an Invisible Hearing Aid?

November 2, 2016

Q: I was told I can’t wear an invisible hearing aid. Does that sound right? A: Starkey Hearing Technologies has been building custom hearing aids — the kind that fit inside your ear rather than behind it — for decades. In fact, they are the largest manufacturer of custom hearing aids in the world. This expertise led them to create the Invisible-In-the-Canal (IIC) hearing aid in 2010. They were the first hearing aid manufacturer to bring ...

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How will a hearing aid improve my quality of life?

October 7, 2016

Treatment of hearing loss has been shown to improve: Communication in relationships Intimacy and warmth in family relationships Ease in communication Earning power Sense of control over your life Social participation Emotional stability Hearing aids can provide valuable benefits to improve your quality of life in a number of important ways. They can help you to: Hear better in situations that are important to you – Fully participate with family, friends and co-workers again. Stay connected ...

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