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Hearing Blog

Give the Gift of Hearing

December 1, 2014

It is the most wonderful time of the year! If you aren’t sure of the perfect gift to give your loved one, consider giving them something extra special. If they are experiencing hearing loss, help them schedule an appointment that you both are able to attend. Be by their side as they discover how to improve their hearing. New situations can be scary when going about them alone, so ensuring your loved one that ...

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Now Serving Better Hearing

November 1, 2014

There are few things better than hearing the words “Dinner is served!” on Thanksgiving Day. This announcement is one you do not want to miss because you are experiencing hearing loss. For those people struggling with hearing loss, the thought of being surrounded by so many individuals can be very overwhelming especially when they are trying to hear conversations. With so many wonderful memories and experiences taking place on this day, wouldn’t it be ...

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Changing today brings a dramatically different tomorrow

October 1, 2014

Our lives are filled with change. Sometimes change can be viewed in a positive way; whether you receive a promotion at work, gain another family member or change your attitude by thinking more positively. However, adapting can be very hard to do, especially when you do not foresee it coming. The key is to take one step at a time and find it is not as hard as you thought. Start by evaluating yourself. What ...

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Getting to Know Your Ears

September 1, 2014

Have you ever heard the saying, “You learn something new every day”? As true as this statement is, one could take it one step further: you are constantly learning new things every day. There is an infinite amount of information presented and it is a constant act we perform every day. If you are struggling with hearing loss, you may feel uncertain about what to do. In order to improve your life and hearing capabilities ...

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Background Noise: Overtaking the Sounds of Summer

August 1, 2014

There are many different solutions if you or someone you know is experiencing hearing loss. With improvements in hearing aid technology, you and the professionals at Long Island Audiology, PC can work towards finding a hearing solution that filters out existing background noise so you can focus on the sounds close to you. Summer is short and sweet. Don’t miss out on the simple pleasures of life by being overwhelmed with noise around you ...

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Protecting your Hearing during Fireworks Season

July 1, 2014

It’s almost Independence Day! For many, July 4th holiday celebrations will include barbeques, parades and, of course, fireworks. Don’t forget about protecting your ears! Before you enjoy the show, follow these safety tips to protect your hearing from the loud blasts of fireworks. Keep your Distance: Adults should be at least 22 yards away from the fireworks and children should stay 65 yards away. According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, firework blasts can ...

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What is the right fit?

May 1, 2014

Here are the pieces of the “puzzle” that we need to find when meeting with you: Type of hearing loss: When we conduct an audiological evaluation, we will be testing how your hearing “system” is working. We test to find the softest level you can hear speech, where it is most comfortable to hear speech, and your loudness limits. We also test your understanding of speech. Eyesight and dexterity: Hearing aids can be pretty small ...

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