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Hearing Blog

Hearing aids are linked to a lower risk of falls

August 1, 2022

Falls are some of the scariest and most frequent injuries suffered by older adults. According to the CDC: • One quarter of people over 65 fall each year • Three million older people go to the ER each year for falls • One in five falls causes a serious injury • Falls account for over $50 billion in medical costs each year   There are many reasons why older adults are more prone to falls — from weakness or medication side ...

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It’s better to treat hearing loss sooner

July 15, 2022

A few years back, a New York Times article pleaded that the treatment of hearing loss needs “to be taken much more seriously.” Much of the article’s basis for that plea were the numerous mental and physical health consequences of letting hearing loss go untreated, including increased odds of depression, falling, emergency room visits, and, of course, dementia. All are correlations that have been studied broadly and that we dig into regularly in this ...

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Hearing loss affects family members...

July 13, 2022

Hearing loss affects family members, too One common reason why people with hearing loss put off getting help is the misperception that it only affects them. They’re the one who can’t hear, so if it’s not a problem for them, it shouldn’t be a problem for others. Physically, the inability to hear warning sounds or the voices of those who depend on the individual with hearing loss could potentially put lives ...

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Your Ears and Traveling Passport...

July 13, 2022

Your Ears and Traveling Passport? Check. Luggage? Check. Ear Plugs..? With spring quickly approaching, many are traveling for to warmer climates to get away from the cold, or returning home from spending their winter in the sunshine. There is a lot to remember when traveling, but something commonly forgotten is protecting their ears. When flying in an airplane, the change in pressure can cause travelers to develop “airplane ears”, also known as barotitis media. Airplane ...

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Hearing loss affects family members...

July 11, 2022

Hearing loss affects family members, too One common reason why people with hearing loss put off getting help is the misperception that it only affects them. They’re the one who can’t hear, so if it’s not a problem for them, it shouldn’t be a problem for others. Physically, the inability to hear warning sounds or the voices of those who depend on the individual with hearing loss could potentially put lives ...

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Your Ears and Traveling Passport...

July 11, 2022

Your Ears and Traveling Passport? Check. Luggage? Check. Ear Plugs..? With spring quickly approaching, many are traveling for to warmer climates to get away from the cold, or returning home from spending their winter in the sunshine. There is a lot to remember when traveling, but something commonly forgotten is protecting their ears. When flying in an airplane, the change in pressure can cause travelers to develop “airplane ears”, also known as barotitis media. Airplane ...

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Hearing loss affects family members...

July 5, 2022

Hearing loss affects family members, too One common reason why people with hearing loss put off getting help is the misperception that it only affects them. They’re the one who can’t hear, so if it’s not a problem for them, it shouldn’t be a problem for others. Physically, the inability to hear warning sounds or the voices of those who depend on the individual with hearing loss could potentially put lives ...

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Your Ears and Traveling Passport...

July 5, 2022

Your Ears and Traveling Passport? Check. Luggage? Check. Ear Plugs..? With spring quickly approaching, many are traveling for to warmer climates to get away from the cold, or returning home from spending their winter in the sunshine. There is a lot to remember when traveling, but something commonly forgotten is protecting their ears. When flying in an airplane, the change in pressure can cause travelers to develop “airplane ears”, also known as barotitis media. Airplane ...

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Hearing loss and depression — is there a link?

July 1, 2022

We don’t need clinical evidence to understand that hearing loss can lead to depression. It's the transitive property of addition brought to life: if a=b and b=c, then a=c.      a. If you’re experiencing hearing loss, there’s a good chance you’ll purposefully minimize or avoid social situations (because hearing is a challenge which makes socializing less fun).       b. Avoiding social situations and interactions can lead to social isolation ...

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More people over 70 have hearing loss than don’t

June 16, 2022

As humans age, numerous things become inevitable. Our hair will gray. Our bones will weaken. Dinners will be eaten earlier. And our hearing abilities won’t be what they once were. In case seeing-it-with-your-own-eyes isn’t enough to convince you that this future holds true, statistics like today’s hearing fact should. Research shows that more than two-thirds of adults 70 and older have clinically meaningful hearing loss — meaning your odds of having hearing loss ...

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